Bulimia Nervosa- 2 Types of eating disorder, how to control the risk?

Bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is a consuming disorder as well as a mental health problem. Bulimics are concerned with their weight and desire to have the “right” body shape. They also spend a lot of time thinking about food.

Purging can take several forms, including producing your vomit or using laxatives (medications that make you poop).

Bulimia – how prevalent is it?

Bulimia symptoms are rarely present before puberty, and the condition is most commonly manifested during the adolescent years.

The two types of Bulimia Nervosa

1. The purging type

Purging Type refers to the vast majority of commonly understood offspring of Bulimia Nervosa. When someone engages in consuming behaviors, they purge through vomiting, diuresis, or enemas.

2. The non-purging type

Individuals suffering from Bulimia Nervosa – Non-Purging Type may engage in compensatory behaviors in an attempt to “undo” their binge-eating habits. Bulimia without purging is characterized by compensatory behaviors that do not imply actively expelling the meal from the body. In terms of purging behaviors, these individuals compensate by fasting or exercising.

Symptoms and signs

Behavioral and emotional

  • Generally, behaviors and attitudes point to weight loss, dieting, and controlling meals.
  • Drink excessive amounts of water or non-caloric drinks.
  • It dresses the body in baggy clothes.
  • exercises excessively despite the weather, fatigue, illness, or injury due to the requirement to “burn off” calories.
  • Swelling of the cheeks or jaw place
  • I have calluses on the backside of my hands and knuckles due to self-induced vomiting.
  • There is discoloration and staining of the teeth.
  • Establish lifestyle schedules or rituals to make time for bingeing and purging.
  • Refuses to participate in social activities and withdraws from friends.
  • Her bloated gaze was composed of fluid retention.
  • Consciousness looks after body weight and shape.
  • Checking the mirror regularly for perceived flaws in appearance
  • has recurring binge eating episodes (eating a lot of meals so that it feels much better than the vast majority of people would exercise under similar circumstances); feels a lack of control more than the ability to stop consuming during those episodes.
  • Purges after binges (e.g., self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diet pills, or diuretics, excessive exercise, fasting)
  • Extreme mood swings

The Physical

  • Weight fluctuations, both up and down,
  • Typically within the normal weight range, but maybe overweight
  • Concentration issues
  • Laboratory abnormalities (anemia, low thyroid and hormone levels, low potassium, low blood cell count, reduced heart rate)
  • Diarrhea
  • Syncope/fainting
  • cold all the time.
  • Problems sleeping
  • Cuts and calluses on the top of finger joints (as a result of vomiting)
  • Enamel erosion, cavities, and tooth sensitivity are dental issues.
  • Dry skin
  • Nails that are dry and breakable
  • Fine hair on the body
  • Hair loss on the head, dry and breakable hair (lanugo)
  • Cavities, or discoloration of teeth, caused by vomiting
  • Weak muscles
  • Yellow skin (when carrots are in immense quantities)
  • Hands and feet that are cold, mottled, or swollen
  • Irregular menstruation—lost monthly cycles or encountering periods only when utilizing hormonal contraception.
  • Wound healing is unpleasant.
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Frequently, people with bulimia nervosa additionally suffer from co-occurring conditions, such as:
  • Self-harm (cutting and other forms of self-harm without suicidal intent)
  • Abuse of substances
  • Expulsivity (risky sexual behavior, shoplifting, etc.)
  • Diabulimia (abnormal use of insulin to treat type 1 diabetes)


Bulimia’s recurrent binge-and-purge cycles can wear on the digestive entity, further causing electrolyte and chemical imbalances in the body that may affect the heart and other major organs.

Laboratory tests can overall seem total even when someone is at a soaring risk of death because the body is resilient to the emphasis of consuming disordered behaviors. Electrolyte imbalances and cardiac arrest can kill without warning. Due to this,

Recognize how consuming disorders bear on the body.

Factors that increase the risk

Bulimia is more common in girls and women than in boys and men. Bulimia usually begins in late adolescence or before adulthood.

The following factors may escalate your risk of bulimia:

  • psychological and emotional problems. Depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse disorders are consuming disorders. Bulimia patients may feel negative about themselves.
  • Biology. First-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) with consuming disorders may be more likely to develop a consuming disorder, suggesting a possible genetic link. Kids and teens who are overweight are at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  • Diet: Dieters are more likely to create eating disorders. Several countries with bulimia severely restrict calories between binge episodes, which may cause the advocate to binge to eat and then purge once more. Stress, an unpleasant body image, meals, and boredom are other triggers for binge eating.

Looking for a doctor when necessary

Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have bulimia symptoms. It can have severe health effects if left untreated.

Talk to your provider or a mental health professional about how you feel about it.

Supporting someone who has these symptoms

Have a direct and unprejudiced conversation with your loved one if you suspect they have bulimia symptoms. While you cannot force someone to seek professional help, you can encourage and support them. Alternatively, you can assist by locating a suitable doctor or mental health professional, making an appointment, and even accompanying the patient.